Want to lead a training or present a talk at the world's only Apple-centric security conference? It all starts here, with a "Call For Papers" submission.

The CFP for trainings closes on May 1st for trainings, and July 31st for talks.

To Submit a Training or Talk:

ℹ️   Note:

All submissions should be related topics of Apple in/security.
Examples, of topics of interest, include (but are not limited to):
  • Malware analysis
  • Operating-system internals
  • Tool making and/or breaking
  • Bug discovery & exploitation

Submissions covering either non-Apple or non-security topics will be not be considered.

Ready to submit a training or talk?

Email cfp@objective-see.com with the following:
  • A title and brief abstract of your training or talk.

  • Your name, company, social media handle, and a brief bio.

  • Length of your training (1-3 days) or talk (25 min or 40 min).

  • An outline of your training or talk.
    This is important, so make sure it's detailed enough to convey all the awesomeness!

For example topics and abstracts, see last year's trainings or talks page.
Trainer & Speaker Perks:

Besides joining the elite group of #OBTS trainers & speakers, we're also planning various events and perks at the conference, just for you! This includes a special VIP event, and of course a free ticket to #OBTS.

Moreover for trainers, the conference will provide you with a training room and basic A/V, at no cost to you. Even better, 100% of revenue earned from your training is yours to keep. This conference doesn't take any cut!

For speakers, you will receive a speaker honorarium (~$1000 USD), and your company will be recognized as a "Speaker Sponsor".
Such sponsorship includes recognition (company name & logo) on various conference materials:

ℹ️   Note:

As we're a non-profit, we are not able to cover trainer/speaker travel or lodging costs. However if this would preclude you from either giving a training or speaking, please shoot us an email (contact@objective-see.com), and we'll figure something out!