Want to lead a training or present a talk at the world's only Apple-centric security conference? It all starts here, with a "Call For Papers" submission.

The CFP for trainings closes on April 20th and June 30th for talks.

To Submit a Training or Talk:

ℹ️   Note:

All submissions should be related topics of Apple in/security.
Examples, of topics of interest, include (but are not limited to):
  • Malware analysis
  • Operating-system internals
  • Tool making and/or breaking
  • Bug discovery & exploitation

Submissions covering either non-Apple or non-security topics will not be considered.

Ready to submit a training and/or a talk?

📝 Complete the following form.

You'll be asked to provide the following details:
  • A title and brief abstract of your training or talk.

  • Your name, company, social media handle, and a brief bio.

  • Length of your training (1-3 days) or talk (25 minutes or 40 minutes).

  • An outline of your training or talk.
    This is important, so make sure it's detailed enough to convey all the awesomeness!

ℹ️   Note:
For example topics and abstracts, see last year's trainings or talks page.

ℹ️   Note:

#OBTS v8.0 is launching: "WeTalks", a program supporting 1st-time speakers!

Are you new to speaking at security conferences? Do you have an idea or blog post but aren’t sure how to turn it into a presentation? We’re excited to introduce WeTalks, a mentorship program designed to help first-time speakers refine their presentations and feel confident on stage!

WeTalks is part of the Objective-We initiative and features a new format of short talks, perfect for presenting an idea, tool, or research in a clear and engaging way. Participants will receive 1:1 mentorship from experienced macOS & iOS security researchers, group mentoring sessions, and personalized feedback to help them prepare for their talk. Culminating in presenting at #OBTS!

Joining is easy! Just submit your proposal through our CFP Form and select "I'd like to participate in the WeTalks program." We’ll match you with a mentor who will guide you every step of the way.

We are excited to hear new voices at #OBTS, this is a great chance to take the stage!

We look forward to receiving your submission!
Trainer & Speaker Perks:

Besides joining the elite group of #OBTS trainers & speakers, we're also planning various events and perks at the conference, just for you! This includes a special VIP event, and of course a free ticket to #OBTS v8.0.
  • Trainers:
    You keep 100% of the revenue from your training, #OBTS doesn’t take a cut! While we handle reserving your training room (and A/V) at the venue, please note that you will need to cover the training room costs (which should not exceed €1,000).

    ℹ️   Note:

    The above terms apply to individual taught trainigs. If you're a company wanting to submit a training, please note that other terms may apply (contact us at conference@objective-see.com to learn more).

  • Speakers:
    Each talk includes a €1,000 honorarium (which will be split among the speakers if there are multiple presenters for a given talk).

    Additionally, your company will be recognized as a "Speaker Sponsor"!

ℹ️   Note:

As we're a non-profit, we are not able to cover trainer/speaker travel or lodging costs.

However if this would preclude you from either giving a training or speaking, please email us at obts@objective-see.com, and we'll work with you to figure something out!