09:00 am - 10:00 am |
10:00 am - 10:10 am |
"KeySteal: A Vulnerability in Apple's Keychain" | |
Linus Henze | |
10:10 am - 11:00 am | |
Abstract |
"Gaining Root with Harmless AppStore Apps" | |
Csaba Fitzl | |
11:00 am - 11:30 am | |
Abstract |
"Fun with Mac Malware Attribution" | |
Joshua Long | |
11:30 am - 12:00 pm | |
Abstract |
12:00 pm - 01:15 pm |
"Herding cattle in the desert: How malware actors have adjusted to new security enhancements in Mojave" | |
Omer Zohar & Roee Avni | |
01:15 pm - 02:05 pm | |
Abstract |
"vm_map'ping out XNU virtual memory" | |
Ian Beer | |
02:05 pm - 02:55 pm | |
Abstract |
"Detecting macOS Compromise with Venator" | |
Richie Cyrus | |
02:55 pm - 03:25 pm | |
Abstract |
Snack Break
03:25 pm - 03:40 pm |
"Bash-ing Brittle Indicators: Red Teaming macOS without Bash or Python" | |
Cody Thomas | |
03:40 pm - 04:30 pm | |
Abstract |
"Watching the Watchers" | |
Sarah Edwards | |
04:30 pm - 05:00 pm | |
Abstract |
"Peeling back the 'Shlayers' of macOS Malware" | |
Erika Noerenberg & Josh Watson | |
05:00 pm - 05:50 pm | |
Abstract |
7:30 pm - 09:30 pm | |
Terrace of Salon Mediterranée |
10:00 am - 10:10 am |
"Never Before Had Stierlitz Been So Close To Failure" | |
Sergei Shevchenko | |
10:10 am - 11:00 am | |
Abstract |
"Root Canal" | |
Samuel Keeley | |
11:00 am - 11:30 am | |
Abstract |
"0dayz of our Life" | |
Joshua Hill | |
11:30 am - 12:00 pm | |
Abstract |
12:00 pm - 01:15 pm |
"Hypervisor-based Analysis of macOS Malware" | |
Felix Seele | |
01:15 pm - 02:05 pm | |
Abstract |
A Few JSC Tales | |
Luca Todesco | |
02:05 pm - 02:55 pm | |
Abstract |
"Bad Things in Small Packages" | |
Jaron Bradley | |
02:55 pm - 03:25 pm | |
Abstract |
Snack Break
03:25 pm - 03:40 pm |
"Malware Behavior on macOS" | |
Thomas Reed | |
03:40 pm - 04:10 pm | |
Abstract |
"An 0day in macOS" | |
Patrick Wardle | |
04:10 pm - 04:40 pm | |
Abstract |
Finale (+ prizes!)
04:40 pm - 05:00 pm |