Attending the Conference

As we've hit our maximum registration numbers, registration is now closed (due to logistics/space limitations).
However, if you are a patron of Objective-See, you'll be able to watch a live stream of the conference!

Thinking about attending "Objective by the Sea" version 4.0? We would be beyond stoked if you joined us!

Why wouldn't you?
  • The conference is in Hawaii, 'nuff said!

  • The speakers are well-respected experts in the field of macOS security.

  • The talks are all highly relevant, deeply technical, and Mac/iOS-centric.

  • Its an amazing opportunity to meet your peers and interact with the macOS/iOS community.

To Attend:
  • Step 1: Register

  • Step 2:

    The corporate cost to attend the conference is $499 USD (+tax).

    If you don't work for a company, or work for one who is unable to pay this attendance fee, the conference is 100% free to attend (so, you can skip this step).

    Also if your company is a "Friend of Objective-See", this fee is wholly waived!

  • Step 3:

    Book a room at the venue and your flight to Maui!

    ...see you at the conference in September!


Q: Is the training included in the conference attendance?
A: No. Training(s) are separate from the conference, and will require both a separate signup and a separate payment. See the training page for more details.

Q: So wait, if I don't work for a company that will pay the attendeence fee, I can attend for free?
A: Yes! Simply register (see step #1), and you're good to go!